Password Confirmation Form

//Hide and show them at appropriate times var $password = $("#password"); var $confirmPassword = $("#confirm_password"); //Hide hints $("form span").hide(); function isPasswordValid() { return $password.val().length > 8; } function arePasswordsMatching() { return $password.val() === $confirmPassword.val(); } function canSubmit() { return isPasswordValid() && arePasswordsMatching(); } function passwordEvent(){ //Find out if password is valid if(isPasswordValid()) { //Hide hint if valid $; } else { //else show hint $; } } function confirmPasswordEvent() { //Find out if password and confirmation match if(arePasswordsMatching()) { //Hide hint if match $; } else { //else show hint $; } } function enableSubmitEvent() { $("#submit").prop("disabled", !canSubmit()); } //When event happens on password input $password.focus(passwordEvent).keyup(passwordEvent).keyup(confirmPasswordEvent).keyup(enableSubmitEvent); //When event happens on confirmation input $confirmPassword.focus(confirmPasswordEvent).keyup(confirmPasswordEvent).keyup(enableSubmitEvent); enableSubmitEvent();
jQuery to compare passwords in two fields and show hints if they don't match.

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