* Write a description of class guessingGame here.
* @author (Peter)
* @version (9/7/2017)
import java.util.*;
public class TempConverter
public static void main(String args[]){
boolean why = true;
double temp;//variable used later
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
while(why==true){//restarts the program if user so choose
System.out.println("Enter 1 for conversion to fahrenheit,2 for conversion to celsius.");
int num = scan.nextInt();//takes input from user and set the variable num to it
//this section converts the temperature to fahrenheit
System.out.println("Please enter a temperature that's in celsius :)");
temp = scan.nextInt();//takes input from user and set the variable temp to it
System.out.println("Converting your number into Fahrenheit...");
temp = ((temp*(1.8))+32);//temperature converted here
System.out.println(temp + "fahrenheit.");
//this section converts the temperature to celsius
System.out.println("Please enter a temperature that's in fahrenheit :)");
temp = scan.nextInt();//takes input from user and set the variable temp to it
System.out.println("Converting your number into Fahrenheit...");
temp = ((temp-32)*(.55));//temperature converted right here
System.out.println(temp + "celsius.");
//the system gets grumpy if you fail to chose the options correctlyq
System.out.println("Please restart program and enter in 1 or 2.");
System.out.println("do you want to convert another temperature? type 1 to play again and 2 to quit");
num = scan.nextInt();
why = false;
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