PHP implementation for EZ4U SMS Service

<?php /** * Class to send SMS's using EZ4U Service * */ class EZ4USmsService { // Account Data var $account = ""; var $licensekey = ""; var $baseurl = ""; /** * Send a new SMS * @param type $phoneNumber The destine number * @param type $messageText Message to send * @return boolean True if the message is sent, false otherwise */ public function sendMsg($entity, $customer, $messageText) { // Prepare the message $mesText = str_replace("'", "", $messageText); $msg = urlencode($mesText); // Build the call $url = "$this->baseurl/sendSMS.php?account=$this->account&licensekey=$this->licensekey&phoneNumber=$customer->mobile&messageText=$msg"; // Do the call $return = file($url); // Parse the response $result = json_decode($return[0]); if ($result->Result == "OK") { $sms = new Sms(); $sms->entity_id = $entity->id; $sms->customer_id = $customer->id; $sms->message = $messageText; $sms->save(); return true; } else { Yii::log("url: ".$url, 'error', 'EZ4USmsService::sendMsg()'); Yii::log("error: ".$result->ErrorDesc, 'error', 'EZ4USmsService::sendMsg()'); return false; } } public function sendSalesMsg($entity,$messageText) { // Prepare the message $mesText = str_replace("'", "", $messageText); $msg = urlencode($mesText); // Build the call $url = "$this->baseurl/sendSMS.php?account=$this->account&licensekey=$this->licensekey&phoneNumber=$entity->contact_phone&messageText=$msg"; // Do the call $return = file($url); // Parse the response $result = json_decode($return[0]); if ($result->Result == "OK") { $sms = new SmsSale(); $sms->entity_id = $entity->id; $sms->message = $messageText; $sms->save(); return true; } else { Yii::log("url: ".$url, 'error', 'EZ4USmsService::sendSalesMsg()'); Yii::log("error: ".$result->ErrorDesc, 'error', 'EZ4USmsService::sendSalesMsg()'); return false; } } /** * Get the general delivery report * * Max 250 returned records * * DeliveryStatus Codes: * 0 – Mensagem ainda não processada * 1 – Mensagem processada com sucesso e entregue * 2 – Mensagem processada e em entrega (pendente) * 3 – Mensagem processada sem sucesso (não entregue) * * @return array/boolean Array with the message list if OK, FALSE otherwise */ public function getSMSList() { // Build the call $url = "$this->baseurl/getSMSList.php?account=$this->account&licensekey=$this->licensekey"; // Do the call $return = file($url); // Parse the response $result = json_decode($return[0]); if ($result->Result == "OK") { return $result->MessageList; } else { Yii::log($result->ErrorDesc, 'error', 'EZ4USmsService::getSMSList()'); return false; } } /** * Get the values about credits * * Indicação de Sucesso de Operação com indicação de: * Acquired - Total de Créditos Adquiridos; * Consumed - Total de Créditos já Consumidos; * ConsumedLandLine - Consumos Discriminados Rede Fixa; * AvailableCreditsWithoutScheduled - Créditos Disponíveis sem contabilização de mensagens agendadas; * Scheduled - Total Mensagens Agendadas; * AvailableCredits - Total Créditos efectivamente Disponíves * * @return object/boolean Object with the result if OK, FALSE otherwise */ public function getAvailableCredits() { // Build the call $url = "$this->baseurl/getAvailableCredits.php?account=$this->account&licensekey=$this->licensekey"; // Do the call $return = file($url); // Parse the response $result = json_decode($return[0]); if ($result->Result == "OK") { return $result->AvailableCreditsInfo[0]; } else { Yii::log($result->ErrorDesc, 'error', 'EZ4USmsService::getAvailableCredits()'); return false; } } /** * Send card byb sms * * @param type $settings The card's settings * @param type $entity The card's entity * @param type $customer The card's customer * @param type $card The card to send * @return boolean True if */ public function sendCardSms($settings, $entity, $customer, $card, $force = false) { if ($settings->sms_active || $force) { if ($entity->smscard_balance > 0) { include_once 'BitlyService.php'; $link = getShortUrl($card->view_url); $messageText = Yii::t('messages', 'Thank you for joining')." ".$settings->name.". ".Yii::t('messages', 'Use this link to download')." ".$link; if ($this->sendMsg($entity, $customer, $messageText)) { $entity->smscard_balance--; $entity->save(); return ['status' => 'success', 'message' => Yii::t('messages', 'SMS sent with success')]; } else { Yii::log("Fail to send card ".$card->card_number." by SMS", 'error', 'EZ4USmsService::sendCardSms'); return ['status' => 'error', 'message' => Yii::t('messages', 'Fail to send SMS.')]; } } else { Yii::log("Entity ".$entity->commercial_name." has no balance to send cards by SMS", 'warning', 'EZ4USmsService::sendCardSms'); return ['status' => 'error', 'message' => Yii::t('messages', 'Fail to send SMS. No available balance.')]; } } else { Yii::log("Entity ".$entity->commercial_name." the option is not active", 'warning', 'EZ4USmsService::sendCardSms'); return ['status' => 'error', 'message' => Yii::t('messages', 'Fail to send SMS. The option is not active.')]; } } public function sendCampaignSms($entity, $customer, $msg) { if ($entity->smscamp_balance > 0) { $result = $this->sendMsg($entity, $customer, $msg); if ($result) { $entity->smscamp_balance--; $entity->save(); return $result; } else { Yii::log("Fail to send SMS campaign", 'error', 'EZ4USmsService::sendCardSms'); return false; } } else { Yii::log("Entity ".$entity->commercial_name." has no balance to send SMS campaigns", 'error', 'EZ4USmsService::sendCardSms'); return false; } } }

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