PHP kmeans Library

<?php class DataSet{ public $x; public $y; function __construct($x, $y){ $this->x = $x; $this->y = $y; } } class Wrapper{ public $set; public $limit; public $k; } function distance($p1, $p2){ return abs($p1->x - $p2->x)+abs($p1->y - $p2->y); } function dump($table, $centroid, $k){ $cluster = array(); foreach($table as $row){ $minValue = 999999; $minID = 0; for($i=0; $i<$k; $i++){ $dist = distance($row, $centroid[$i]); if($minValue > $dist){ $minID = $i; $minValue = $dist; } } $cluster[] = $minID; } return $cluster; } function dump_group($centroid, $group, $k){ for($i=0; $i<$k; $i++){ $x = 0; $y = 0; $c = 0; foreach($group[ $i ] as $set){ $c++; $x += $set->x; $y += $set->y; } $x /= $c; $y /= $c; $centroid[$i] = new DataSet($x, $y); } return $centroid; } function kmeans($json){ /* $json = '{"set":[ {"x":185,"y":72}, {"x":170,"y":56}, {"x":168,"y":60}, {"x":179,"y":68}, {"x":182,"y":72}, {"x":188,"y":77}, {"x":180,"y":71}, {"x":180,"y":70}, {"x":183,"y":84}, {"x":180,"y":88}, {"x":180,"y":67}, {"x":177,"y":76} ], "limit": 10, "k": 2 }'; //*/ $obj = json_decode($json); $k = 2; if(isset( $obj->k )){ $k = $obj->k; } $table = array(); foreach($obj->set as $row){ $table[] = new DataSet($row->x, $row->y); } $centroid = array(); for($i=0; $i<$k; $i++) $centroid[] = new DataSet($table[$i]->x, $table[$i]->y); $iteration_limit = 10; if(isset( $obj->limit )){ $iteration_limit = $obj->limit; } for($iteration = 0; $iteration < $iteration_limit; $iteration++){ $cluster = dump($table, $centroid, $k); $group = array(); for($i=0; $i<$k; $i++){ $group[] = array(); } $i = 0; foreach($table as $row){ $group[ $cluster[$i] ][] = new DataSet( $row->x, $row->y ); $i++; } $new_centroid = dump_group($centroid, $group, $k); // CHECK CHANGED IN NEW CENTROID AND BREAK $flag = true; //ASSUME SAME VALUES EXIST $i = 0; foreach($new_centroid as $g){ if( $centroid[$i]->x != $new_centroid[$i]->x || $centroid[$i]->y != $new_centroid[$i]->y) { $flag = false; break; } $i++; } if($flag){ break; } // COPY NEW_CENTROID TO CENTROID $i = 0; foreach($new_centroid as $g){ $centroid[$i] = new DataSet( $g->x, $g->y ); $i++; } } class Output{ public $centroid; public $iteration; public $success; public function __construct(){ $this->success = true; } } $output = new Output(); if($flag){ } else{ $output->success = false; } $output->centroid = array(); foreach($centroid as $g){ $output->centroid[] = new DataSet($g->x, $g->y); } $output->iteration = $iteration; return json_encode( $output ); } /* $obj = new Wrapper(); $obj->k = 2; $obj->limit = 10; $obj->set = array(); $obj->set[] = new DataSet(10, 20); $obj->set[] = new DataSet(10, 21); $obj->set[] = new DataSet(30, 20); $obj->set[] = new DataSet(35, 30); echo kmeans( json_encode($obj) ); */ ?>
It is used to identify clusters in a DataSet.

You need to provide k value to get clusters.

To Test the code:
$obj = new Wrapper();
$obj->k = 2;
$obj->limit = 10;
$obj->set = array();
$obj->set[] = new DataSet(10, 20);
$obj->set[] = new DataSet(10, 21);
$obj->set[] = new DataSet(30, 20);
$obj->set[] = new DataSet(35, 30);

echo kmeans( json_encode($obj) );

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