PHP - Verify if a given email is valid looking for his MX record

class MailService { /** * * Verify if a given email is valid looking for is MX record */ public function verifyMail($email) { list($user, $domain) = explode('@', $email); $info = ['user' => $user, 'domain' => $domain, 'ip' => null, 'mx' => null]; $result['address'] = $email; //TODO - Verify common names $result['did_you_mean'] = null; //Look for MX record $result['is_valid'] = dns_check_record($domain, "MX"); if ($result['is_valid']) { //Get ip and mx address $a = dns_get_record($domain, DNS_A); $mx = dns_get_record($domain, DNS_MX); if (isset($a[0]['ip'])) { $info['ip'] = $a[0]['ip']; } if (isset($mx[0]['target'])) { $info['mx'] = $mx[0]['target']; } } $result['info'] = $info; //Return as object return (Object) $result; } }
PHP - Verify if a given email is valid looking for his MX record

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