Pinterest Layout Plugin

(function(exports) { 'use strict'; function PinterestGrid(options) { this.settings = options; this.loaded = false; this.transform = _getTransformProperty(); // Parent element this.$container = options.container instanceof Node ? options.container : document.querySelector(options.container); if (!this.$container) { return false; } // Items this.$itemCollection = options.item instanceof NodeList ? options.item : this.$container.querySelectorAll(options.item); if (!this.$itemCollection || this.$itemCollection.length === 0) { return false; } if (!this.settings.containerLoaded || typeof this.settings.containerLoaded !== 'string') { this.settings.containerLoaded = false; } if (!this.settings.itemLoaded || typeof this.settings.itemLoaded !== 'string') { this.settings.itemLoaded = false; } if (!this.loaded || this.settings.skipWindowOnLoad) { this.init(); return; } } PinterestGrid.prototype.init = function() { console.log('init'); if (this.settings.containerLoaded) { this.$container.classList.add(this.settings.containerLoaded); } else if (!/loaded/.test(this.$container.className)) { this.$container.classList.add(this.$container.className.split(' ')[0] + '--loaded'); } this.loaded = true; var gutter = (undefined !== this.settings.gutter) ? parseInt(this.settings.gutter) : 0; var callback = this.settings.callback; this.$ = ''; var containerWidth = this.$container.getBoundingClientRect().width; var firstChildWidth = this.$itemCollection[0].getBoundingClientRect().width + gutter; var cols = Math.max(Math.floor((containerWidth - gutter) / firstChildWidth), 1); var count = 0; containerWidth = (firstChildWidth * cols + gutter) + 'px'; this.$ = containerWidth; this.$ = 'relative'; var itemsGutter = []; var itemsPosX = []; for (var g = 0; g < cols; g++) { itemsPosX.push(g * firstChildWidth + gutter); itemsGutter.push(gutter); }$itemCollection, function(item) { var itemIndex = itemsGutter.slice(0).sort(function(a, b) { return a - b }).shift() itemIndex = itemsGutter.indexOf(itemIndex); var posX = itemsPosX[itemIndex]; var posY = itemsGutter[itemIndex]; = 'absolute'; = = 'hidden'; if (this.settings.itemLoaded) { item.classList.add(this.settings.itemLoaded); } else if (!/loaded/.test(item.className)) { item.classList.add(item.className.split(' ')[0] + '--loaded'); } if (!this.settings.animate && this.transform) {[this.transform] = 'translate3D(' + posX + 'px,' + posY + 'px, 0)'; } itemsGutter[itemIndex] += item.getBoundingClientRect().height + gutter; count = count + 1; if (this.settings.animate) { return this.settings.animate(item, posX, posY, count); } }.bind(this)); var containerHeight = itemsGutter.slice(0).sort(function(a, b) { return a - b }).pop(); this.$ = containerHeight + 'px'; if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(this.$itemCollection); } } // Get transform property function _getTransformProperty() { var style = document.createElement('div').style; var transform; var vendorProp; if (undefined !== style[vendorProp = 'webkitTransform']) { transform = vendorProp; } if (undefined !== style[vendorProp = 'msTransform']) { transform = vendorProp; } if (undefined !== style[vendorProp = 'transform']) { transform = vendorProp; } return transform; } // AMD if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(function() { return PinterestGrid }); } // CommonJS else if ( typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports ) { module.exports = PinterestGrid; } // Global else { exports.PinterestGrid = PinterestGrid; } } (this));
Plugin to create a Pinterest style layout.

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