PNG Sequence Loop

function animateDis () { var src; //your PNGGGGGGG :)))) var result, xpos = 0, index = 0, numImgs = 26, //number of image frames div, frameSize = 0 , //width of container unit = 'px'; var $img = $('<img src="' + src + '">'); $img.bind('load', function () { $('#id').css('background-image', 'url(' + src + ')'); init(); }); var init = function() { div = document.getElementById('id'); loop(); result = setInterval(loop, 40); //function + loop time }; var loop = function() { = (-xpos) + unit + " 0"; xpos += frameSize; index += 1; if (index == numImgs) { clearInterval(result); } }; }
An example of looping through a series of PNG's that I did for work last week. Nice for quick and dirty animation sequences. Codepen to come.

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