Port Forwarder

/* Made by Lonami Exo * (C) LonamiWebs */ // NOTE That this needs Mono.Nat using System; using System.Net; using Mono.Nat; public class PortForwarder { #region Public events and delegates public delegate void ReadyDelegate(); public event ReadyDelegate OnReady; #endregion #region Properties and variables /// <summary> /// True if PortForwarder is ready. It must be ready for the methods to work /// </summary> public bool Ready { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// THe maximum port number /// </summary> public const int MaxPort = 65535; /// <summary> /// The minimum port number /// </summary> public const int MinPort = 1; #endregion #region Private variables INatDevice device; #endregion #region Constructors public PortForwarder() { NatUtility.DeviceFound += DeviceFound; NatUtility.StartDiscovery(); } #endregion #region Public methods /// <summary> /// Retrieves the public IP of the current machine /// </summary> /// <returns>The public IP</returns> public IPAddress GetPublicIP() { CheckReady(); return device.GetExternalIP(); } /// <summary> /// Forwards a desired port /// </summary> /// <param name="port">The port</param> /// <param name="protocol">The protocol type</param> public void Forward(int port, Protocol protocol = Protocol.Tcp) { CheckReady(); CheckValidPort(port); device.CreatePortMap(new Mapping(protocol, port, port)); } /// <summary> /// Forwards a desired port for both TCP and UDP /// </summary> /// <param name="port">The port</param> public void ForwardBothProtocols(int port) { CheckReady(); CheckValidPort(port); device.CreatePortMap(new Mapping(Protocol.Tcp, port, port)); device.CreatePortMap(new Mapping(Protocol.Udp, port, port)); } /// <summary> /// Stops forwarding the given port /// </summary> /// <param name="port">The port</param> /// <param name="protocol">The protocol type</param> public void StopForwarding(int port, Protocol protocol = Protocol.Tcp) { CheckReady(); CheckValidPort(port); device.DeletePortMap(new Mapping(protocol, port, port)); } /// <summary> /// Stops forwarding the given port for both TCP and UDP /// </summary> /// <param name="port">The port</param> public void StopForwardingBothProtocols(int port) { CheckReady(); CheckValidPort(port); device.DeletePortMap(new Mapping(Protocol.Tcp, port, port)); device.DeletePortMap(new Mapping(Protocol.Udp, port, port)); } /// <summary> /// Gets the forwarded potrs in a string array /// </summary> /// <returns>The forwarded ports</returns> public string[] GetForwardedPorts() { var mappings = device.GetAllMappings(); var ports = new string[mappings.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < mappings.Length; i++) ports[i] = mappings[i].ToString(); return ports; } /// <summary> /// Gets all the mappings (forwarded ports) with more information than /// <see cref="GetForwardedPorts">GetForwardedPorts</see> /// </summary> /// <returns>The mappings</returns> public Mapping[] GetAllMappings() { return device.GetAllMappings(); } #endregion #region Private methods void DeviceFound(object sender, DeviceEventArgs args) { device = args.Device; StopDiscovery(); } void CheckReady() { if (!Ready) throw new Exception("PortForwarder is not ready yet!"); } void CheckValidPort(int port) { if (port < MinPort || port > MaxPort) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("The port must be between " + MinPort + " and " + MaxPort); } void StopDiscovery() { NatUtility.DeviceFound -= DeviceFound; Ready = true; OnReady(); } #endregion }
[NOTE: Mono.Nat library is required]

This class makes easy the port forwarding.

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