$(function() {
var lineHeight = parseInt($('body').css('line-height'));
function balanceHeight(el) {
var h = $(el).outerHeight();
var delta = h % lineHeight;
if (delta != 0)
/* For images and objects, we want to align the bottom w/ the baseline, so we
* pad the top of the element. For other elements (text elements that have a
* scrollbar), we pad the bottom, to keep the text within on the same baseline */
var paddingDirection = ($(el).is('img') || $(el).is('object')) ?
'padding-top' : 'padding-bottom';
/* Adjust padding, because margin can get collapsed and cause uneven spacing */
var currentPadding = parseInt($(el).css(paddingDirection));
$(el).css(paddingDirection, currentPadding + lineHeight - delta);
/* Depending on your content, you may want to modify which elements you want to adjust,
* by modifying the selector used below. By default, we grab all img, pre, and object
* elements. */
$('img, pre, object').each(function() {
/* Only works if we're manipulating block objects */
if ($(this).css('display') == 'inline')
$(this).css('display', 'block');
/* Images need to load before you get their height */
if ($(this).is('img'))
$(this).load(function(){ balanceHeight(this); });
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