from random import randint
suits = {
0: 'Clubs',
1: 'Diamonds',
2: 'Hearts',
3: 'Spades'
cards = {
0: 'Ace',
1: '2',
2: '3',
3: '4',
4: '5',
5: '6',
6: '7',
7: '8',
8: '9',
9: '10',
10: 'Jack',
11: 'Queen',
12: 'King'
def draw_cards(num_of_cards, list_dealt=[]):
for z in range(num_of_cards):
x = randint(0,3) #random integer 0 to 3 to pick suit
y = randint(0,12) #random integer 0 to 12 to pick card
mycard = "{0} of {1}".format(cards[y],suits[x])
if mycard not in list_dealt:
num_of_cards = num_of_cards - z
return draw_cards(num_of_cards,list_dealt)
return list_dealt
mydraw = draw_cards(5) #call the function with the number of cards you want.
i = 0
for x in mydraw:
i += 1
if i == len(mydraw):
print("...And your last card is the {0}".format(str(x)))
print("You got the {0}".format(str(x)))
Representing a deck of cards with two Python dictionaries. The first dictionary represents the card suits with keys of 0 to 3. The second dictionary represents the cards in any given suit with keys of 0-12. The function draw_cards() is called with the number of cards you want to draw. Optionally, you can supply a list of cards that have already been dealt from the possible 52. As with a real deck of cards, you should not be able to draw a duplicate. Therefore, when draw_cards() calls itself, it provides the list_dealt list containing the cards that have already been drawn from the deck. You could go further and make this into a game.
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