Python Sample SMS Code - SMS Messaging API

class SmsAPI(object): # <summary> # Specify complete Url of SMS gateway # </summary> def get_ApiUrl(self): def set_ApiUrl(self, value): ApiUrl = property(fget=get_ApiUrl, fset=set_ApiUrl) # <summary> # User name supplied by provider # </summary> def get_user(self): def set_user(self, value): user = property(fget=get_user, fset=set_user) # <summary> # Password supplied by provider # </summary> def get_pass(self): def set_pass(self, value): pass = property(fget=get_pass, fset=set_pass) # <summary> # SID supplied by provider # </summary> def get_sid(self): def set_sid(self, value): sid = property(fget=get_sid, fset=set_sid) def __init__(self, ApiUrl, user, pass, sid): self.ApiUrl = ApiUrl self.user = user self.pass = pass self.sid = sid def __init__(self, ApiUrl, user, pass, sid): self.ApiUrl = ApiUrl self.user = user self.pass = pass self.sid = sid def SendSMS(self, Recipient, MessageData): if self.ApiUrl.Trim() == "" or self.user.Trim() == "" or self.pass.Trim() == "" or self.sid.Trim() == "": raise Exception("All Properties were required") #Status = SMS(User, SURL, SPort, Passw, number, MessageData, MessageType); //Sending SMS #///// string createdURL = "" + ":" + "8080" + "/websmpp/websms" + #/////"?user=" + "SPDDLC" + #/////"&pass=" + "s@KJ8QH9" + #/////"&sid=" + "SPDDLC" + #/////"&mno=" + Recipient + #/////"&text=" + MessageData + #/////"&type=" + "1" + #/////"&esm=" + "0" + #/////"&dcs=" + "0"; # MessageBox.Show(createdURL); createdURL = self.ApiUrl + "?user=" + self.user + "&pass=" + self.pass + "&sid=" + self.sid + "&mno=" + Recipient + "&text=" + MessageData + "&type=" + "1" + "&esm=" + "0" + "&dcs=" + "0" try: myReq = WebRequest.Create(createdURL) #MessageBox.Show("2"); # Get response from SMS Gateway Server and read the answer myResp = myReq.GetResponse() # MessageBox.Show("21"); respStreamReader = System.IO.StreamReader(myResp.GetResponseStream()) # MessageBox.Show("22"); responseString = respStreamReader.ReadToEnd() # MessageBox.Show("2"); respStreamReader.Close() myResp.Close() except Exception, ex: raise ex finally: return "success"
 Just try the following Python Sample SMS Code scripts and you will find that sending SMS to your contact via this programming script is fun!

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