Game "Are you sure?"

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge" /> <title>Are you sure?</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" /> <script defer src="js/main.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="wrap" class="stuf"> <div id="head"> <h1>Are you sure?</h1> </div> <div id="wimg"> <span id="stat"></span> <div id="imag"></div> <div id="ques"></div> <span id="seco"></span> </div> <div id="main"></div> <div id="dots"></div> <div id="mess" class="stuf"> <div id="star"></div> <button class="btn" id="starBtn"></button> </div> </div> </body> </html>
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(function() { "use strict"; //ALL QUESTIONS arr const questions = [ { id: 1, que: "IC chips used in computers are usually made of:", yes: 1, ch1: "Lead", ch2: "Silicon", ch3: "Chromium", ch4: "Potato" }, { id: 2, que: "WWW stands for ?", yes: 0, ch1: "World Wide Web", ch2: "Chipmunk", ch3: "Children", ch4: "Wide World Web" }, { id: 3, que: "If a computer has more than one processor then it is known as ?", yes: 0, ch1: "Multiprocessor", ch2: "Silicon", ch3: "Brouhaha", ch4: "Doozy" }, { id: 4, que: "Full form of URL is ?", yes: 1, ch1: "Multiprocessor", ch2: "Uniform Resource Locator", ch3: "Snollygoster", ch4: "Uniform Registered Link" }, { id: 5, que: "What is the Italian word for pie? ", yes: 2, ch1: "Comeuppance", ch2: "Cakes", ch3: "Pizza", ch4: "Jazz" }, { id: 6, que: "Which Russian town suffered an infamous nuclear disaster in 1986? ", yes: 1, ch1: "Donnybrook", ch2: "Chernobyl", ch3: "Pinocchio", ch4: "Nincompoop" }, { id: 8, que: "What do you see in this picture?", img: "", yes: 2, ch1: "fish", ch2: "direction", ch3: "Car", ch4: "umbrella", ch5: "something", ch6: "Interesting" }, { id: 9, que: "Second generation of computers consist of which of following ?", yes: 1, ch1: "Speedy Gonzalez", ch2: "Transistors", ch3: "Vaccum Tubes", ch4: "Diodes" }, { id: 10, que: "MPG is an file extension of which type of files ?", yes: 3, ch1: "Image", ch2: "Audio", ch3: "Flash", ch4: "Video" } ]; let star; let starBtn; let getBody; let getMainDiv; let getImagDiv; let getQuestio; let transwer; let score = 0; let getMessage; let question = 0; let stat; let seco; let seconds = 30; let tim = 0; function CreateElem(e, className, id, text, src) { if (!this instanceof CreateElem) return new CreateElem(e, className, id); e = document.createElement(e); if (id) = id; if (className) e.className = className; if (text) e.innerText = text; if (src) { e.src = src; e.setAttribute("alt", "img"); } return e; } function remElements(elementId) { let element = document.getElementById(elementId); if (element) { if (element.children.length) { while (element.firstChild) { element.removeChild(element.firstChild); } } else { element.parentNode.removeChild(element); } } return; } function inits() { getBody = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; //GET ELEMS <body> getMainDiv = document.getElementById("main"); //GET ELEMS #main getImagDiv = document.getElementById("imag"); //GET ELEMS #imag getQuestio = document.getElementById("ques"); //GET ELEMS #ques getMessage = document.getElementById("mess"); //GET ELEMS #mess starBtn = document.getElementById("starBtn"); //GET ELEMS #starBtn star = document.getElementById("star"); //GET ELEMS #star stat = document.getElementById("stat"); //GET ELEMS #stat seco = document.getElementById("seco"); getMainDiv.addEventListener("mouseup", loopElems); } function loded() { getBody.className = ""; starBtn.innerHTML = "start"; starBtn.addEventListener("click", start); [question, score] = [+readValue()[0], +readValue()[1]]; updateStat(); if (question > 0) starBtn.innerText = "continue"; } function addQuestions(question) { const { id, que, img, yes, } = questions[question]; //destructure variables const answer = Object.keys(rest)[yes]; //the real answer variable transwer = answer; if (typeof img !== "undefined") { let imgSrc; if (img.indexOf("href") !== -1) { imgSrc = "img/" + (img || "d.png"); } else { imgSrc = img; } let im = new CreateElem("img", "img", "img", "", imgSrc); getImagDiv.appendChild(im); } let qu = new CreateElem("span", "q", "q", que); let lenthOfRes = Object.keys(rest).length; let ans = []; for (let i = 0; i < lenthOfRes; i++) { ans.push( new CreateElem( "button", "btn tips trans", Object.keys(rest)[i], rest[Object.keys(rest)[i]] ) ); } => getMainDiv.appendChild(el)); getQuestio.appendChild(qu); } function show() { let elems = [...document.getElementsByClassName("tips")]; for (let i = elems.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { elems[i].classList.toggle("trans"); } } function updateStat() { let va = question; stat.innerText = va + 1 + "/" + questions.length; } function start() { addQuestions(question); setTimeout(show, 500);; countdown(); updateStat(); } function loopElems(elem) { clearTimeout(tim); if (!"tips")) return;; const getAllansw = [...document.getElementsByClassName("tips")]; getAllansw.forEach(element => { if ( !== transwer) {; } else {; } element.disabled = true; = "none"; }); let elems = document.getElementById("id" + question); if ( === transwer) { sele.bind(elems); score++; } else { nno.bind(elems); } nextQuest(); } function nextQuest() { window.navigator.vibrate(30); seconds = 30; question++; if (question < questions.length) createItem(question, score); setTimeout(() => { show(); setTimeout(() => { remElements("img"); remElements("q"); remElements("main"); if (question === questions.length) { question = 0; star.innerText = "Your score: " + score + "/" + questions.length; if (questions.length === score) { star.innerText += "\nvictory"; starBtn.innerText = "Repeat"; } else { starBtn.innerText = "Improve"; } getMessage.classList.remove("hide"); score = 0; createItem(question, score); } if (question > 0) start(); }, 0); }, 1500); } function hide() { this.classList.add("hide"); } function sele() { this.classList.add("sele"); } function yyes() { this.classList.add("yyes"); } function nno() { if (typeof this !== "undefined") { this.classList.add("nno"); } } function createItem(q, s) { if (storageAvailable("localStorage")) { localStorage.setItem("valueOfWhoDaHelQuestion", q); localStorage.setItem("valueOfWhoDaHelTrueAnsw", s); } else console.log("No localstorage"); } function readValue() { if (storageAvailable("localStorage")) { let x = localStorage.getItem("valueOfWhoDaHelQuestion"); let a = localStorage.getItem("valueOfWhoDaHelTrueAnsw"); return [x, a]; } else console.log("No localstorage"); } function storageAvailable(type) { try { var storage = window[type], x = "__storage_test__"; storage.setItem(x, x); storage.removeItem(x); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } function countdown() { seco.innerText = seconds; if (seconds-- > 0) { tim = setTimeout(() => { countdown(); }, 1000); } else { nextQuest(); clearTimeout(tim); } } document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", inits); window.addEventListener("load", loded); })();
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