
var url = 'https://codepad.co/developers?languages%5B%5D=169#filter'; // Parse URL with anchor element var a = $('<a>', { href: url }); console.log('Protocol: ' + a.prop('protocol')); // https: console.log('Host name: ' + a.prop('hostname')); // codepad.co console.log('Path: ' + a.prop('pathname')); // /developers console.log('Query: ' + a.prop('search')); // ?languages%5B%5D=169 console.log('Hash: ' + a.prop('hash')); // #filter
Parsing a URL

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You can use [html][/html], [css][/css], [php][/php] and more to embed the code. Urls are automatically hyperlinked. Line breaks and paragraphs are automatically generated.