Quadratic Functions Module; python-2

#C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages #Make sure this file is called "QuadFuncs.py" and inside your site-packages folder #Note: This module DOES NOT handle fractions, but it will handle decimals. #Command for import: #import QuadFuncs as qf #Imports import math import __builtin__ #Functions #Syntax: qf.zeros(equation='y = ax^2 + bx + c') def zeros(equation): equationlen = len(equation) start = equation[4:equationlen] asep1 = start.partition('x')[0] aorig = asep1 aorig2 = aorig.partition('x')[0] anew = float(aorig2) bsep1 = start[3:equationlen] bsep2 = bsep1.partition(' ') bsep3 = bsep2[2] bsep4 = bsep3.partition(' ') bsep5 = bsep4[0] + bsep4[2] borig = bsep5 borig2 = borig.partition('x')[0] bnew = float(borig2) csep1 = borig[3:equationlen] csep2 = csep1.partition(' ') csep3 = csep2[2] csep4 = csep3.partition(' ') csep5 = csep4[0] + csep4[2] corig = csep5 cnew = float(corig) discr = (((bnew)**2) - (4*(anew)*(cnew))) if discr == 0: __builtin__.x1 = 0 __builtin__.x2 = None elif discr < 0: __builtin__.x1 = None __builtin__.x2 = None elif discr > 0: __builtin__.x1 = ((-1*(bnew)) + (math.sqrt(discr))/(2*(anew))) __builtin__.x2 = ((-1*(bnew)) - (math.sqrt(discr))/(2*(anew))) #Syntax: qf.vertex(equation='y = ax^2 + bx + c') def vertex(equation): equationlen = len(equation) start = equation[4:equationlen] asep1 = start.partition('x')[0] aorig = asep1 aorig2 = aorig.partition('x')[0] anew = float(aorig2) bsep1 = start[3:equationlen] bsep2 = bsep1.partition(' ') bsep3 = bsep2[2] bsep4 = bsep3.partition(' ') bsep5 = bsep4[0] + bsep4[2] borig = bsep5 borig2 = borig.partition('x')[0] bnew = float(borig2) csep1 = borig[3:equationlen] csep2 = csep1.partition(' ') csep3 = csep2[2] csep4 = csep3.partition(' ') csep5 = csep4[0] + csep4[2] corig = csep5 cnew = float(corig) __builtin__.h = ((-1*(bnew))/(2*(anew))) __builtin__.k = ((4*(anew)*(cnew)) - ((bnew)**2)/(4*(anew))) if __builtin__.h == -0: __builtin__.h = 0 if __builtin__.k == -0: __builtin__.k = 0 __builtin__.vert = ((__builtin__.h), (__builtin__.k)) #Syntax: qf.axisofsym(equation='y = ax^2 + bx + c') def axisofsym(equation): equationlen = len(equation) start = equation[4:equationlen] asep1 = start.partition('x')[0] aorig = asep1 aorig2 = aorig.partition('x')[0] anew = float(aorig2) bsep1 = start[3:equationlen] bsep2 = bsep1.partition(' ') bsep3 = bsep2[2] bsep4 = bsep3.partition(' ') bsep5 = bsep4[0] + bsep4[2] borig = bsep5 borig2 = borig.partition('x')[0] bnew = float(borig2) __builtin__.axis = ((-1*(bnew))/(2*(anew))) if __builtin__.axis == -0: __builtin__.axis = 0 #Syntax: qf.vertform(equation='y = ax^2 + bx + c') def vertform(equation): equationlen = len(equation) start = equation[4:equationlen] asep1 = start.partition('x')[0] aorig = asep1 aorig2 = aorig.partition('x')[0] anew = float(aorig2) bsep1 = start[3:equationlen] bsep2 = bsep1.partition(' ') bsep3 = bsep2[2] bsep4 = bsep3.partition(' ') bsep5 = bsep4[0] + bsep4[2] borig = bsep5 borig2 = borig.partition('x')[0] bnew = float(borig2) csep1 = borig[3:equationlen] csep2 = csep1.partition(' ') csep3 = csep2[2] csep4 = csep3.partition(' ') csep5 = csep4[0] + csep4[2] corig = csep5 cnew = float(corig) hnew = ((-1*(bnew))/(2*(anew))) knew = ((4*(anew)*(cnew)) - ((bnew)**2)/(4*(anew))) __builtin__.vertexform = 'y = %f(x - %f)^2 + (%f)' % (anew, hnew, knew) #Syntax: qf.standform(equation='y = a(x - h) + k') def standform(vertequation): equationlen = len(vertequation) start = vertequation[4:equationlen] asep1 = start.partition('(')[0] aorig = asep1 aorig2 = aorig.partition('(')[0] anew = float(aorig2) hsep1 = start[4:equationlen] hsep2 = hsep1.partition(')')[0] hsep3 = hsep2[2] hsep4 = hsep3.partition(' ') hsep5 = hsep4[0] + hsep4[2] horig = hsep5 horig2 = float(horig) hnew = (horig2)*-1 ksep1 = hsep1[5:equationlen] ksep2 = ksep1.partition(' ') ksep3 = ksep2[0] + ksep2[2] korig = ksep3 knew = float(korig) bnew = -1*2*(hnew) cnew = (anew)*((hnew)**2) + (knew) __builtin__.standardform = 'y = (%f)x^2 + (%f)x + (%f)' % (anew, bnew, cnew)
This is a module that allows for basic Quadratic Functions. Syntax is stated in the code. I am pretty new to programming, so any advice would help! (Note: I know optimization is possible, please don't spam comments. Thanks!)

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