Remove HTML Tags on Obj C

// CLEAN STRING WITH HTML TAGS -(NSString *) stringByStrippingHTML:(NSString*) stringWithHtmlTags { NSRange r; NSString *s = stringWithHtmlTags; while ((r = [s rangeOfString:@"<[^>]+>" options:NSRegularExpressionSearch]).location != NSNotFound) s = [s stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:r withString:@""]; return s; } // TO CALL IT [NameClassHelper stringByStrippingHTML:@"<html><h1>Hellow</h1><p>Snippet!!!</p></html>"]
Remove html tags on strings

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You can use [html][/html], [css][/css], [php][/php] and more to embed the code. Urls are automatically hyperlinked. Line breaks and paragraphs are automatically generated.