Single Linked List

package tugas; /** * * @author Fadil */ public class SingleLinked { protected Node head; protected Node tail; //if head is null, return true public boolean isEmpty() { if (this.head == null) { return true; } else { return false; } } //get first element public String first(){ if(isEmpty() == true){ return null; }else{ return head.getElement(); } } //get last element public String last(){ if(this.tail == null){ return null; }else{ return tail.getElement(); } } //this is for add from tail public void append(String item){ Node tampung = new Node(item, null); if(isEmpty()){ head = tampung; }else{ tail.setNext(tampung); } tail = tampung; } //this is for add from head public void prepend(String item){ Node tampung = new Node(item, null); if(isEmpty()){ head = tampung; }else{ tampung.setNext(head); } head = tampung; } //display all Node public void Display(){ Node ptr; ptr = head; while(ptr != null){ System.out.println(ptr.getElement()); ptr = ptr.getNode(); } } //Search Node to Remove public Node removeNode(String item){ Node ptr = head; Node prevPtr = head; while(ptr.getElement() != item){ if(ptr.isHasNext() == false){ return null; }else{ prevPtr = ptr; ptr = ptr.getNode(); } } if(ptr == prevPtr){ head = ptr.getNode(); }else{ prevPtr.setNext(ptr.getNode()); } return ptr; } //Remove first Node(Head) public String ExtractFirst(){ if(this.head == null){ return "Data masih kosong"; } String forReturn = this.head.getElement(); this.head = head.getNode(); return forReturn; } public static void main(String[] args) { SingleLinked myList = new SingleLinked(); //create a new empty linked list myList.append("Amin"); myList.append("Budi"); myList.append("Citra"); myList.Display(); myList.removeNode("Citra"); System.out.println(""); myList.Display(); } } class Node { private String element; private Node next; public Node(String element, Node next) { this.element = element; = next; } public String getElement() { return this.element; } public boolean isHasNext() { if (next == null) { return false; } else { return true; } } public Node getNode() { return next; } public void setElement(String newElement) { element = newElement; } public void setNext(Node newNode) { next = newNode; } }
Simple Single Linked List

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