
USE WideWorldImporters GO CREATE TABLE Sales.CustomerOrderSummary ( ID INT NOT NULL IDENTITY, CustomerID INT NOT NULL, OrderSummary XML ); INSERT INTO Sales.CustomerOrderSummary (CustomerID, OrderSummary) SELECT CustomerID, ( SELECT CustomerName 'OrderHeader/CustomerName' , OrderDate 'OrderHeader/OrderDate' , OrderID 'OrderHeader/OrderID' ,( SELECT LineItems2.StockItemID '@ProductID' , StockItems.StockItem Name '@ProductName' , LineItems2.UnitPrice '@Price' , Quantity '@Qty' FROM Sales.OrderLines LineItems2 INNER JOIN Warehouse.StockItems StockItems ON LineItems2.StockItemID = StockItems.StockItemID WHERE LineItems2.OrderID = Base.OrderID FOR XML PATH('Product'), TYPE ) 'OrderDetails' FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT Customers.CustomerName , SalesOrder.OrderDate , SalesOrder.OrderID FROM Sales.Orders SalesOrder INNER JOIN Sales.OrderLines LineItem ON SalesOrder.OrderID = LineItem.OrderID INNER JOIN Sales.Customers Customers ON Customers.CustomerID = SalesOrder.CustomerID WHERE customers.CustomerID = OuterCust. CustomerID ) Base FOR XML PATH('Order'), ROOT ('SalesOrders'), TYPE ) AS OrderSummary FROM Sales.Customers OuterCust ;
To demonstrate the use of the XQuery methods in this chapter, we will create a table in the WideWorldImporters database, called Sales. CustomerOrderSummary. This table can be created using the script

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