
let gl = c.getContext("webgl"), pid = gl.createProgram(), draw = t => { uniforms.time([t]);[0.4, 0.5]); uniforms.zoom([0.1]); gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, 3); requestAnimationFrame(draw); }, resize = (w, h) => { if (c.width === w && c.height===h) return let wh = [c.width=w,c.height=h]; uniforms.resolution(wh) gl.viewport(0, 0, ...wh) }, uniforms = {center: '2f', resolution: '2f', time: '1f', zoom: '1f'}; gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, gl.createBuffer()); gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array([-1,3,-1,-1,3,-1]), gl.STATIC_DRAW); [` attribute vec2 vertices; void main(void) { gl_Position = vec4(vertices, 0., 1.); } `,`precision highp float; uniform vec2 resolution; uniform vec2 center; uniform float time; uniform float zoom; vec2 mul(vec2 A, vec2 B) { return vec2(A.x * B.x - A.y * B.y, 2.0 * A.x * B.y); } vec3 fractal(vec2 c) { vec2 z = c; vec3 t1 = vec3(center-0.1, 1e9); vec3 t2 = vec3(center+0.1, 1e9); vec3 t3 = vec3(center + 0.1*vec2(sin(time/1111.),cos(time/1367.)), 1e9); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if (dot(z, z) > 4.) break; z = mul(mul(abs(z), abs(z)), mul(abs(z), abs(z))) + vec2(0.56) + vec2(sin(time/4000.),cos(time/5000.))*0.015; t1.z = min(t1.z, abs(t1.xy-z).x + abs(t1.xy-z).y); t2.z = min(t2.z, length(t2.xy-z)); t3.z = min(t3.z, abs(t3.xy-z).x + abs(t3.xy-z).y); } return clamp(vec3(t1.z,t2.z,t3.z)*15., .0, 1.); } void main(void) { vec2 c = gl_FragCoord.xy; c = -resolution + 2.0 * c; c *= zoom/resolution.y; c += center; gl_FragColor = vec4(fractal(c), 1.0); }` ].forEach((src, i) => { let id = gl.createShader(i?gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER:gl.VERTEX_SHADER); gl.shaderSource(id, src); gl.compileShader(id); var message = gl.getShaderInfoLog(id); gl.attachShader(pid, id); if (message.length > 0) { console.log(src.split("\n").map((str, i) => (""+(1+i)).padStart(4, "0")+": "+str).join("\n")); throw message; } }); gl.linkProgram(pid); gl.useProgram(pid); Object.keys(uniforms).forEach(uf => { let loc = gl.getUniformLocation(pid, uf), f = gl[`uniform${uniforms[uf]}`] uniforms[uf] = v =>, loc, ...v) || v }); let vertices = gl.getAttribLocation(pid, "vertices") gl.vertexAttribPointer(vertices, 2, gl.FLOAT, 0, 0, 0); gl.enableVertexAttribArray(vertices); addEventListener("mousemove", e => {x=e.pageX; y=e.pageY}); addEventListener("resize", () => resize(innerWidth, innerHeight)); resize(innerWidth, innerHeight); requestAnimationFrame(draw);
GLSL: orbit traps fractals coloring technique

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