title_font = Monospace 20
title_hide_sizetext = True
title_transmit_bg_color = "#727272"
fullscreen = False
last_active_term = 808e4435-32e2-4c46-be00-cce418cfa7ba
last_active_window = True
maximised = False
order = 0
parent = ""
position = 1343:493
size = 642, 378
title = mehdi@ubuntu16: ~
type = Window
order = 0
parent = child0
profile = Tomorrow Night Eighties
type = Terminal
uuid = 808e4435-32e2-4c46-be00-cce418cfa7ba
background_color = "#2d2d2d"
background_image = None
cursor_color = "#cccccc"
font = Monospace 11
foreground_color = "#cccccc"
palette = "#000000:#f2777a:#99cc99:#ffcc66:#6699cc:#cc99cc:#66cccc:#ffffff:#000000:#f2777a:#99cc99:#ffcc66:#6699cc:#cc99cc:#66cccc:#ffffff"
use_system_font = False
Beautiful, Tomorrow Night Eighties based color theme for Ubuntu + Terminator
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