Second fix GPS for CM-13.0(msm8916, samsung I9195I)

static void android_location_GpsLocationProvider_agps_data_conn_open( JNIEnv* env, jobject /* obj */, jstring apn, jint apnIpType) { if (!sAGpsInterface) { ALOGE("no AGPS interface in agps_data_conn_open"); return; } if (apn == NULL) { jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/IllegalArgumentException", NULL); return; } const char *apnStr = env->GetStringUTFChars(apn, NULL); size_t interface_size = sAGpsInterface->size; if (interface_size == sizeof(AGpsInterface_v2)) { sAGpsInterface->data_conn_open_with_apn_ip_type(apnStr, apnIpType); //} else if (interface_size == sizeof(AGpsInterface_v1)) { } else if (interface_size >= sizeof(AGpsInterface_v1)) { sAGpsInterface->data_conn_open(apnStr); } else { ALOGE("Invalid size of AGpsInterface found: %zd.", interface_size); } env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(apn, apnStr); }
Fixed AGPS

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