Selection sort

import java.util.*; //from Ratan public class Main { public static boolean main(String[] args) { int[] arr = {10,14,67,1,0,78,3,33,5,111,543,5,100,6,89}; System.out.println("Selection Sort: lenght of array: " + arr.length); int pass=0; //find the minimum in the right and replace with current position is current position is greter for(int i=0;i < arr.length;i++) { int tempMin=99999999; int minIndex=i; // assume initial element is the smallest element // imp for(int j= i+1 ;j<arr.length;j++) { if(arr[j] < tempMin) { tempMin= arr[j]; minIndex=j; // saving index } }// end of this loop will have the minimum value from current element to end of the array System.out.println("tempMin:" + tempMin); if(arr[i] > tempMin) { //swap System.out.println("swaaping :" + arr[i] + "and" + tempMin); int temp = arr[i]; arr[i]=arr[minIndex]; arr[minIndex] =temp; } System.out.println(" "); System.out.print("Pass:"+ i + ":: "); for(int c : arr) { System.out.print(","+c); } } return true; } } // search the min element from next position to end //.. if current element is small than min then swap. // imp save the index of min-element(searched) for the swapping.

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