$("document").ready(function() {
// Select div that that have a specific class
$("div[class]").addClass("className"); // has any class
$("div[class^=active_]").addClass("className"); // class starts with "active_"
$("div[class^=active_][id*=product_]").addClass("className"); // Same as above, + ID contains "product_"
// Select paragraphs that are imidiate childs of a div
$("div > p").addClass("className");
// Select paragraphs that have a div as their parent
$("div p").addClass("className");
$("div p.btn").addClass("className"); // and has a specific class
// Select all divs that are immediately after a paragraph
$("p + div").addClass("className");
// Select all li that are after a specific ID
$("#theID ~ li").addClass("className");
// Select divs that have a specific data type and are wrapped in a specific ID
$("#wrapper div[data-type='active']").addClass("className");
// Select all elements that are children of a specific ID
// Select all parents until a specific point
// Select next / previous to our selected element
// Select divs that have at least one child
// Select links that contain a specific string
$("a:contains('Click here')").addClass("className");
// Child selectors
$("ul li:first-child").addClass("className"); // First li in a list
$("ul li:last-of-type").addClass("className"); // Last of it's type
$("ul li:nth-child(5)").addClass("className"); // 5th li in a list
$("ul li:nth-child(3n)").addClass("className"); // Every 3rd li in a list
$("ul li:first").addClass("className"); // First li in a list
$("ul li:last").addClass("className"); // First li in a list
$("ul li:even").addClass("className");
$("ul li:odd").addClass("className");
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