
```shell $ gedit ~/.bash_aliases ``` In gedit type ```alias python=python3``` ```shell $ source ~/.bash_aliases #reload the .bash_aliases file $ apt install python-pip #install pip $ pip install --upgrade pip #upgrade pip for the last version ``` ```shell $ apt install pyenv #install pyenv $ pyenv install 3.5.2 $ pyenv local 3.5.2 ``` ```shell $ apt install virtualenv #install virtualenv $ mkdir my_projecy_folder $ cd my_project_folder $ python -m venv .<namevenv> ``` If you like a python2 virtual enviroment called .venv for example type: ```$ python2 -m venv .venv``` If you like a python3 virtual enviroment called .venv for example type: ```$ python -m venv .venv``` To activate the virtual enviroment: ```shell $ cd .venv/bin/ $ source activate ```
Setup python 3 development ambient on Linux Mint

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