Simple data analytics using DatGUI and Datamatic API

// requires: // // and // var datamatic = new Datamatic("117670017722819924657"); var chart = datamatic.chart("0B3wq5VFn9PllNWdyY3ZFRVZ3RFU", { width: 600, height: 400 }); function updateData() { Datamatic.ajax.json("", { yr: parseInt(options.year), pt: options.type, dim: "pcdistrict", pc: 1, new: options.age, hold: options.tenure }).then(function (data) { var metric = options.metric; chart.setData( (item) { return { name: item[0], value: item[metric] }; })); }); } chart.render(document.body).then(updateData); function addController() { var controller = gui.add.apply(gui, arguments); var delayedTask = Datamatic.utils.delayTask(updateData) controller.onChange(function () { delayedTask.delay(50) }); } // create control panel var gui = new dat.GUI(); // options model var options = { metric: 2, year: 2015, type: "", age: "", tenure: "" }; addController(options, 'metric', { "Num of properties": 1, "Average Price": 2, "Year over year": 3 }); // add year range addController(options, 'year', 1995, 2015); // types addController(options, 'type', { "All": "", "Flat/Mais": 1, "Detached": 2, "Semi-Det": 3, "Terraced": 4 }); // age addController(options, 'age', { "All": "", "New": 1, "Old": 2 }); // tenure addController(options, 'tenure', { "All": "", "Free": 1, });

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