Simple decimal-to-Roman Numerals in C++

// DecimalToRoman.cpp : convert decimal number to Roman Numeral #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> struct symbol { std::string name; int value; }; std::vector<symbol> symbols= { {"M",1000}, {"CM",900}, {"D",500}, {"CD",400}, {"C",100}, {"XC",90}, {"L",50}, {"XL",40}, {"X",10}, {"IX",9}, {"V",5}, {"IV",4}, {"I",1} }; std::string dec2Roman(int n, std::vector<symbol>::iterator i = symbols.begin()); int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc == 2) { std::cout << dec2Roman(atoi(argv[1])) << std::endl; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else { std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <decimal number>" << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } } std::string dec2Roman(int n, std::vector<symbol>::iterator i) { std::string output(""); if (i != symbols.end()) { while (n >= i->value) { n -= i->value; output.append(i->name); } if (n > 0) output.append(dec2Roman(n, ++i)); } return output; }
Just trying to find the simplest way to generate roman numerals. Is there a "simpler" way ?

sample output:

C:\Users\Judd>E:\CPP_Projects\DecimalToRoman\Release\DecimalToRoman.exe 1984

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