simple file extension manipulation functions

// getFileExtension() : returns the file extension of a given filename: function getFileExtension(fileName){ var extension=''; if ((fileName !== undefined) && (fileName.length !== 0)) { var dotPos = fileName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (dotPos != -1) { extension = fileName.substring(dotPos + 1, fileName.length); } } return extension.toLowerCase(); } // changeFileExtension() : replaces the file extension of fileName with newExt function changeFileExtension(fileName, newExt){ var newFn=''; if ((fileName !== undefined) && (fileName.length !== 0)) { var dotPos = fileName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (dotPos != -1) { newFn = fileName.substring(0, dotPos) + '.' + newExt; } else { newFn = fileName + '.' + newExt; } } return newFn; }
Here are some basic functions I use to

1) get the file extension of a filename
2) change the file extension of a filename

They are reasonably robust, and tolerate silly inputs well.
However, you could always put additional error handling in them if you desire ...

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