#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
//declaration of structure for node of list
struct numbers{
int value;
struct numbers *next;
//the list is a pointer to structure numbers
struct numbers *listNumbers;
int main(){
char answer;
cout<<"Welcome to my first example of list"<<endl;
//two pointers to a structure numbers which is going to have
//the address of a new node and the current node
struct numbers *newNumber, *currentNumber;
//we need to allocate memory for the new node of the list
newNumber = (struct numbers *) malloc( sizeof(struct numbers) );
cout<<"Introduce a number: ";
//set the value for the number node
//then the pointer to a next node must be null
//because it is a new node so there is no next node
newNumber->next = NULL;
//if this is the first node then the list of numbers is null
//so we need to set the list numbers with the first node
listNumbers = newNumber;
currentNumber = newNumber;
//if the listnumbers have at least one node then
//the pointer next of the previous node will point to our new node
currentNumber->next = newNumber;
//and then current node will be our new node
currentNumber = newNumber;
cout<<"Add another? (y=yes, n=no)";
}while(answer != 'n');
//if the list of numbers has elements then
struct numbers *current;
//the current node is the first node of the list
//as the listNumbers is the first node
current = listNumbers;
//we going to iterate through the list
//if the current node is not a null address
//we assign the current node to be the next node
//as I said before if the next node is the value null it will break the loop
current = current->next;
return 0;
This is a very basic example of how to make a simple linked list using the C++ language, my purpose was to use only the C language but I don't like the way I have to manage the input and output so I decided to use the cout and cin objects of the C++. I think this program will work the same if I do it with pure C.
Thank you and I hope it will be helpful to someone.
Thank you and I hope it will be helpful to someone.
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