Simple QR-Code Generator with Google Chart

<?php /** * */ class QRGenerator { protected $ukuran; protected $data; protected $enkoding; protected $errorCorrectionLevel; protected $marginInRows; protected $debug; public function __construct($ukuran = '200', $enkoding = 'UTF-8', $errorCorrectionLevel = 'L', $marginInRows = 4, $debug = false) { $this->size = ($ukuran > 100 && $ukuran < 800 )? $ukuran : 300; $this->encoding = ($enkoding == 'Shift_JIS' || $enkoding == 'ISO-8859-1' || $enkoding == 'UTF-8')? $enkoding : 'UTF-8'; $this->errorCorrectionLevel = ($errorCorrectionLevel == 'L' || $errorCorrectionLevel == 'M' || $errorCorrectionLevel == 'Q' || $errorCorrectionLevel == 'H') ? $errorCorrectionLevel : 'L'; $this->marginInRows=($marginInRows > 0 && $marginInRows < 10) ? $marginInRows : 4; $this->debug = ($debug == true)? true : false; } function setData($data){ $this->data = urlencode($data); } public function oyisam(){ $SQRLink = "".$this->size."x".$this->size."&chl=" .$this->data. "&choe=" . $this->encoding . "&chld=" . $this->errorCorrectionLevel . "|" . $this->marginInRows; if ($this->debug) echo $SQRLink; return $SQRLink; } } ?>
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