/* user activity report for SugarCRM */
@STARTDATE = '2016-01-01 00:00:00',
@ENDDATE = '2016-06-30 23:59:59',
@USERNAME = '%';
t.session_id as 'Session ID',
convert_tz(t.date_modified,'+00:00','+10:00') AS 'Date Accessed', # set the UTC offset as appropriate
concat_ws(' ', u.first_name, u.last_name ) AS 'User',
when t.module_name = 'Accounts' then concat('Accounts: ',a.name,case when a.deleted = 0 then '' else ' (DELETED)' end)
when t.module_name = 'Contacts' then concat('Contacts: ',c.first_name,' ',c.last_name,case when c.deleted = 0 then '' else ' (DELETED)' end)
when t.module_name = 'Reports' then concat('Reports: ',saved_reports.name,case when saved_reports.deleted = 0 then '' else ' (DELETED)' end)
when t.module_name = 'Users' then concat('Users: ',u.first_name,' ',u.last_name,case when u.deleted = 0 then '' else ' (DELETED)' end)
when t.module_name = 'Contracts' then concat('Contracts: ',contract.name,case when contract.deleted = 0 then '' else ' (DELETED)' end)
else concat(t.module_name,': ',t.item_id)
end as 'Record',
tracker t
left join users u ON t.user_id = u.id
left join acl_roles_users ru on ru.user_id = u.id
left join acl_roles r on r.id = ru.role_id
left join contacts c on t.item_id = c.id
left join accounts a on t.item_id = a.id
left join contracts contract on t.item_id = contract.id
left join saved_reports on t.item_id = saved_reports.id
convert_tz(t.`date_modified`,'+00:00','+10:00') >= @STARTDATE
AND convert_tz(t.`date_modified`,'+00:00','+10:00') <= @ENDDATE
and u.user_name like @USERNAME
and u.user_name <> 'john.who.you.do.not.want.in.report.doe'
# remove duplicates
group by concat(t.session_id,t.date_modified,u.first_name,u.last_name,t.item_id,t.action)
# sort it by user, by session, by date.
order by u.last_name ASC, u.first_name ASC, t.session_id desc, t.`date_modified` ASC;
Get a report of what users have been doing in SugarCRM
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