Surprise encounter in the depths of a dungeon

class Boom < Exception end def enterTheDungeon! puts 'You are entering the dungeon.' end def surpriseEncounter! encounters = ['goblin horde', 'huge ogre', 'stone golem'] puts 'A ' + encounters.sample + ' appears.' end def attack! puts 'You draw your weapon and attack.' end def run! puts 'You decide to run.' end def stepOnTrap! puts 'You steppend on a trap!' raise Boom end def play begin enterTheDungeon! surpriseEncounter! attack! run! stepOnTrap! rescue puts 'Game Over!' end end play
We're testing a preliminary set-up for a text-based dungeon crawling game. Certain events (like stepping on a trap) are supposed to raise an exception, which leads to 'Game Over!'. When running the above sample, why do you get the exception instead of 'Game Over!'?

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