import java.util.*;
* Adam Kovacs
* September 7th 2017
* Write a short description of what the class does (one line)
* @author (Adam Kovacs)
* @version (9/8/17)
public class Tempconversion//class header
public static void main(String args[]){
Scanner Temp= new Scanner(;
boolean keepGoing = true;
//above is the boolean that will allow the program to continue or end
System.out.print("Enter temp");
int nextInt = Temp.nextInt();
//Here is the users textbox that allows them to enter the desired tempature to convert
System.out.print("If C type 1 if F type 2");
int nextAdam = Temp.nextInt();
//here the user enters 1 or 2 based on if the tempature they have entered is Celcius of Farenheight
double F=(9.0/5 * nextInt) + 32;
else {
double C=(nextInt + (-32)) * 5/9.0;
//above are the conversion eqations that the program runs when given the tempature and whether its C or F
System.out.print("press 1 to continue or 2 to exit");
int cont = Temp.nextInt();
// this allows the user to end or continue using the program
}//end of while
System.out.print("Thanks for using this app");
}//end of main method
}//end of class
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