Test php install

<?php echo "<h1>This is a test page from ".gethostname()." </h1>"; $sum = 0; for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) { $sum += $i; echo "+ (".$i.")\n"; } echo "=\n[".$sum."]\n"; echo "<h1>If this opens correctly </h1>"."\n"."<h1>and adds variables to 55</h1>"." \n"."<h1>then PHP5 has been successfully installed.</h1>\n\n" ?> Below is the script used to output what you see above.<br><br> <?php highlight_string('<?php echo "<h1>This is a test page from ".gethostname()." </h1>"; $sum = 0; for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) { $sum += $i; echo "+ (".$i.")\n"; } echo "=\n[".$sum."]\n"; echo "<h1>If this opens correctly </h1>"."\n"."<h1>and adds variables to 55</h1>"." \n"."<h1>then PHP5 has been successfully installed.</h1>\n\n" ?>'); ?>

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