
local CARS = {} local maxCapacity = { [0] = { ["size"] = 13}, --Compact [1] = { ["size"] = 20}, --Sedan [2] = { ["size"] = 30}, --SUV [3] = { ["size"] = 24}, --Coupes [4] = { ["size"] = 28}, --Muscle [5] = { ["size"] = 10}, --Sports Classics [6] = { ["size"] = 8}, --Sports [7] = { ["size"] = 5}, --Super [8] = { ["size"] = 2}, --Motorcycles [9] = { ["size"] = 25}, --Off-road [10] = { ["size"] = 100}, --Industrial [11] = { ["size"] = 60}, --Utility [12] = { ["size"] = 40}, --Vans [13] = { ["size"] = 0}, --Cycles [14] = { ["size"] = 0}, --Boats [15] = { ["size"] = 0}, --Helicopters [16] = { ["size"] = 0}, --Planes [17] = { ["size"] = 0}, --Service [18] = { ["size"] = 0}, --Emergency [19] = { ["size"] = 0}, --Military [20] = { ["size"] = 500}, --Commercial [21] = { ["size"] = 0}, --Trains } AddEventHandler("test" , function() MySQL.Async.fetchAll("SELECT vehicle_plate AS plate, items.id AS id, items.libelle AS libelle, quantity FROM user_vehicle LEFT JOIN vehicle_inventory ON `user_vehicle`.`vehicle_plate` = `vehicle_inventory`.`plate` LEFT JOIN items ON `vehicle_inventory`.`item` = `items`.`id`", {}, function (result) if (result) then for _, v in ipairs(result) do if (not IndexSearch(v.plate)) then CARS[v.plate] = {} end if (v.id and v.libelle and v.quantity) then table.insert(CARS[v.plate], v.id, {libelle = v.libelle, quantity = v.quantity}) end end end end) end) RegisterServerEvent("playercar:getItems_s") AddEventHandler("playercar:getItems_s", function() TriggerEvent('es:getPlayerFromId', source, function(user) items = {} local player = user.getIdentifier() MySQL.Async.fetchAll("SELECT * FROM user_inventory JOIN items ON `user_inventory`.`item_id` = `items`.`id` WHERE user_id = @username", { ['@username'] = player }, function (result) if (result) then for _, v in ipairs(result) do -- table.insert(items, tonumber(v.item_id), {libelle = v.libelle, quantity = v.quantity}) t = {['libelle'] = v.libelle, ['quantity'] = v.quantity} items[v.item_id] = t end end TriggerClientEvent("playercar:hoodContent", source, items) end) end) end) RegisterServerEvent("car:getItems") AddEventHandler("car:getItems", function(plate) local res = nil if CARS[plate] then res = CARS[plate] end TriggerClientEvent("car:hoodContent", source, res) end) RegisterServerEvent("car:receiveItem") AddEventHandler("car:receiveItem", function(vehclass, plate, item, lib, quantity) local ActualSlotUsed = getSlots(plate) local limitslots = ActualSlotUsed + quantity if (limitslots <= maxCapacity[vehclass].size) then if not IndexSearch(plate) then CARS[plate] = {} end add({ item, quantity, plate, lib }) TriggerClientEvent("player:looseItem", source, item, quantity) else if quantity > maxCapacity[vehclass].size then TriggerClientEvent("car:systemMessage", source, "Dette køretøj kan kun indeholde " .. maxCapacity[vehclass].size .. " objets") elseif ActualSlotUsed >= maxCapacity[vehclass].size then TriggerClientEvent("car:systemMessage", source, "Bilen er fuld") elseif limitslots > maxCapacity[vehclass].size then TriggerClientEvent("car:systemMessage", source, "Der er plads nok!") end end end) RegisterServerEvent("car:looseItem") AddEventHandler("car:looseItem", function(plate, item, quantity) local cItem = CARS[plate][item] if (cItem.quantity >= quantity) then delete({ item, quantity, plate }) TriggerClientEvent("player:receiveItem", source, item, quantity) end end) AddEventHandler('BuyForVeh', function(name, vehicle, price, plate, primarycolor, secondarycolor, pearlescentcolor, wheelcolor) CARS[plate] = {} end) function add(arg) local itemId = tonumber(arg[1]) local qty = arg[2] local plate = arg[3] local lib = arg[4] local query local item if CARS[plate][itemId] then item = CARS[plate][itemId] query = "UPDATE vehicle_inventory SET `quantity` = @qty WHERE `plate` = @plate AND `item` = @item" item.quantity = item.quantity + qty else CARS[plate][itemId] = {quantity = qty, libelle = lib} item = CARS[plate][itemId] print(CARS[plate][itemId].libelle) query = "INSERT INTO vehicle_inventory (`quantity`,`plate`,`item`) VALUES (@qty,@plate,@item)" end MySQL.Async.execute(query,{ ['@plate'] = plate, ['@qty'] = item.quantity, ['@item'] = itemId }) end function delete(arg) local itemId = tonumber(arg[1]) local qty = arg[2] local plate = arg[3] local item = CARS[plate][itemId] item.quantity = item.quantity - qty MySQL.Async.execute("UPDATE vehicle_inventory SET `quantity` = @qty WHERE `plate` = @plate AND `item` = @item", { ['@plate'] = plate, ['@qty'] = item.quantity, ['@item'] = itemId }) end function getSlots(plate) local pods = 0 if (IndexSearch(plate)) then for _, v in pairs(CARS[plate]) do pods = pods + v.quantity end end return pods end -- get's the player id without having to use bugged essentials function getPlayerID(source) local identifiers = GetPlayerIdentifiers(source) local player = getIdentifiant(identifiers) return player end -- gets the actual player id unique to the player, -- independent of whether the player changes their screen name function getIdentifiant(id) for _, v in ipairs(id) do return v end end function stringSplit(self, delimiter) local a = self:Split(delimiter) local t = {} for i = 0, #a - 1 do table.insert(t, a[i]) end return t end function IndexSearch(plate) for key, value in pairs(CARS) do if (key == plate) then return true end end print("vehicule immatriculé " .. plate .. " chargé") return false end

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