TextBox PlaceHolder

/* Made by Lonami Exo * 24 - Jan. - 2015 - * (C) LonamiWebs. */ using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; public class TextBoxPlaceholder : TextBox { public string Placeholder; public Color PlaceholderColor = Color.Gray; Color TrueForeColor; bool HasInit; public override string Text { get { if (HasInit && IsEmpty) return string.Empty; return base.Text; } set { base.Text = value; } } string GetText() { return base.Text; } public TextBoxPlaceholder() { TrueForeColor = ForeColor; GotFocus += TextBoxPlaceholder_GotFocus; LostFocus += TextBoxPlaceholder_LostFocus; } protected override void OnCreateControl() { if (Text.Length == 0) TextBoxPlaceholder_LostFocus(null, null); base.OnCreateControl(); HasInit = true; } void TextBoxPlaceholder_GotFocus(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (IsPlaceHolder) { ForeColor = TrueForeColor; Clear(); } } void TextBoxPlaceholder_LostFocus(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (Text.Length == 0) { Text = Placeholder; ForeColor = PlaceholderColor; } } bool IsPlaceHolder { get { return ForeColor == PlaceholderColor && GetText() == Placeholder; } } bool IsEmpty { get { return IsPlaceHolder || GetText().Length == 0; } } }
Have you ever wanted a TextBox with a placeholder? No? Well, you should, it's pretty cool, and funny, look!


See? It's funny.

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