
/** * Write a description of class tip here. *Calculates tip * @author Rahul Khullar) * @version (9/18/17) */ import java.util.*; public class tip { public tip() { int restarter = 1; while (restarter == 1){ // initialise instance variables System.out.println("How much does your bill cost?"); Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); double bill = scan.nextDouble(); System.out.println("Enter the percentage of your tip"); double tip1 = scan.nextInt(); double tip2 = bill * (tip1 / 100); double tip3 = tip2 * bill; double total = bill + tip2; System.out.println("Tip: $" + tip2); System.out.println("total: $" + total); System.out.println("How many people do you want to split the bill among"); int ppl = scan.nextInt(); double amtppl = total / ppl; System.out.println("Each person should pay: $" + amtppl); System.out.println("If you want to try again press 1, if not press anything else"); int decider = scan.nextInt(); if (decider == 1){ restarter = 1; } else { restarter = 2; } } } }

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