Tip Calculator

/** * Calculates the tip needed to be paid * Sejin Park * 09/16/17 */ import java.util.*; public class TipCalculator { public static void main(String[] args){ Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); boolean keepGoing = true; double bill = 0; double tipPercent = 0; boolean tryAgain = false; while(keepGoing){ //loops the whole thing System.out.println("Enter the bill: "); bill = sc.nextDouble(); System.out.println("Enter tip percentage: "); tipPercent = sc.nextDouble(); double tip = bill * (tipPercent / 100); bill = bill + tip; //total bill System.out.println("Tip = " + tip); System.out.println("Total bill = " + bill); System.out.println("Between how many people is this bill being split?"); int people = sc.nextInt(); bill = bill/(double)people; //because people is an int System.out.println("The bill for each person is: " + bill); System.out.println("Create another bill?"); String createAnother = sc.next(); if(createAnother.equals("no")) keepGoing = false; } } }

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