To annoy your friends; python-2

#This one rapidly spams the windows key. Change the pause variable to another number to change the pause between presses. It only works on windows, best on windows 8. pause = 0.000000000001 import time import win32com.client shell = win32com.client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell") while True: shell.SendKeys("^{ESCAPE}") time.sleep(pause) #This one creates tkinter windows until you close it as fast as your computer can handle it. import Tkinter as tk counter = 0 while True: exec "app%d = tk.Tk()" % (counter) exec "app%d.update()" % (counter) counter = counter + 1 #This one is the meanest... it doesn't do anything that someone can see immediately, but as soon as they check their 'C:' drive, they'll have 20,000 folders! (it took me an hour to remove all of them after testing). import os counter = 1 while True: if counter < 20001: os.mkdir('C:/annoyancefolder%d' % counter) counter = counter + 1
Three different programs to annoy anyone you like!

2 Responses

You are donkey ????
You motherfucker

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