There's garlic on my ice cream...

class Food def initialize(base) @base = base end def topping=(value) if compatible?(@base, value) @topping = value return true else return false end end end def compatible?(base, topping) case base when :Pizza then [:Cheese, :Garlic, :Spinach].include? topping when :IceCream then [:ChocolateSauce, :Sprinkles].include? topping end end icecream = :IceCream [:ChocolateSauce, :Sprinkles, :Garlic].each do |topping| if icecream.topping = topping puts 'Mmmhh! :-)' else puts 'Umm... better not.' end end
Why is the code printing 'Mmmhh! :-)' when I put garlic on my ice cream?

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