
import time def getExpandedScientificNotation(flt): #getExpandedScientificNotation function written by Captain Cucumber ( str_vals = str(flt).split('e') coef = float(str_vals[0]) exp = int(str_vals[1]) return_val = '' if int(exp) > 0: return_val += str(coef).replace('.', '') return_val += ''.join( ['0' for _ in range(0, abs(exp - len(str(coef).split('.')[1])))]) elif int(exp) < 0: return_val += '0.' return_val += ''.join(['0' for _ in range(0, abs(exp) - 1)]) return_val += str(coef).replace('.', '') return return_val def trymath(): a = float(2) b = float(2**10) c = float(0.00000000000006) d = a**(b - c) e = getExpandedScientificNotation(d) g = True h = -1 for i in range(1024): while g: h = h + 1 for h in range(len(str(int(d)))): try: print str(e)[h] time.sleep(1) except IndexError: h = 0 time.sleep(1) continue time.sleep(1) continue print trymath()
The largest number calculable by a 64-bit calculator.

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