import ngModuleName from './uac.module';
import UacService from './uac.service';
'use strict';
const ngDirectiveName = 'tsfnUacCp';
const ngDirectiveNameReady = 'tsfnUacCpReady';
const ngUacObject = '$uacObj';
const prefix = 'tsfn',
implication = 'UacImplication',
name = 'UacName',
implicationList = ['visible', '!visible', 'editable', '!editable'];
function genKey(tAttrs: angular.IAttributes) {
let myImplication: string = tAttrs[prefix + implication];
let myName: string = tAttrs[prefix + name];
return [myName, myImplication].join(':');
function validateAttributes(tAttrs: angular.IAttributes) {
let myImplication: string = tAttrs[prefix + implication];
if (!myImplication || implicationList.indexOf(myImplication.toLowerCase()) < 0)
throw new TypeError('Invalid UAC Implication: ' + myImplication);
let myName: string = tAttrs[prefix + name];
if (!myName)
throw new TypeError('Invalid UAC Name: ' + myName);
function visibleScenario(tAttrs: angular.IAttributes) {
let myImplication: string = tAttrs[prefix + implication],
visible = myImplication.indexOf('visible');
if (visible > -1) {
// we are in visible scenario
let myShow = tAttrs['ngShow'],
myHide = tAttrs['ngHide'],
ngShowHide = [ngUacObject, '["', genKey(tAttrs), '"]', '.visible'].join(''),
attr = 'ngShow';
if (visible === 1) {
// negative case
ngShowHide = '!' + ngShowHide;
if (angular.isDefined(myShow)) {
ngShowHide += ' || ' + myShow;
} else if (angular.isDefined(myHide)) {
ngShowHide = '!' + ngShowHide;
ngShowHide += ' || ' + myHide;
attr = 'ngHide';
tAttrs.$set(attr, ngShowHide);
function editableScenario(tAttrs: angular.IAttributes) {
let myImplication: string = tAttrs[prefix + implication],
editable = myImplication.indexOf('editable');
if (editable > -1) {
// we are in editable scenario
let myDisabled = tAttrs['ngDisabled'],
ngDisabled = [implication.charAt(0) === '!' ? '' : '!', ngUacObject, '["', genKey(tAttrs), '"]', '.enable'].join('');
if (editable === 1) {
// negative case
ngDisabled = '!' + ngDisabled;
if (angular.isDefined(myDisabled)) {
ngDisabled += ' || ' + myDisabled;
tAttrs.$set('ngDisabled', ngDisabled);
function uacDirective(log: angular.ILogService,
compile: angular.ICompileService,
rootScope: angular.IRootScopeService) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
priority: 1001,
terminal: true,
compile: (tElement, tAttrs) => {
let tVal = tAttrs[ngDirectiveName];
tAttrs.$set(ngDirectiveNameReady, tVal);
let isSet = input => angular.isDefined(input) && input !== null;
if (isSet(tVal)) {
tVal = rootScope.$eval(tVal) || {};
if (isSet(tVal.implication))
tAttrs.$set(prefix + implication, tVal.implication);
if (isSet(
tAttrs.$set(prefix + name,;
return (scope) => {
if (!scope[ngUacObject])
scope[ngUacObject] = {};
scope[ngUacObject][genKey(tAttrs)] = null;
uacDirective.$inject = ['$log', '$compile', '$rootScope'];
function uacDirectiveReady(log: angular.ILogService, uac: UacService) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) => {
let key = genKey(attrs);
log.debug([ngUacObject, '["', key, '"]'].join(''), 'Default', scope[ngUacObject][key]);
let processAccess = access => {
log.debug([ngUacObject, '["', key, '"]'].join(''), 'Access', access);
scope[ngUacObject][key] = access;
let requestAccess = () => {
log.debug([ngUacObject, '["', key, '"]'].join(''), 'Request access');
let myImplication: string = attrs[prefix + implication];
let myName: string = attrs[prefix + name];
return uac.loadConfigPoint(myName, myImplication).then(processAccess);
uacDirectiveReady.$inject = ['$log', 'tsfnUac'];
.directive(ngDirectiveName, uacDirective)
.directive(ngDirectiveNameReady, uacDirectiveReady);
Directive that needs to add/remove angular built-in directives (eg. ngHide) applied to an element or widget (eg. mdSelect).
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