#install sendemail tool:
$> sudo apt-get install sendemail
#send a short text email:
$> sendEmail -f fromUser@gmail.com \
-t toUser@gmail.com \
-u "This is the subject" \
-m "This is a short body" \
-s smtp.gmail.com:587 \
-o tls=yes -xu fromUser@gmail.com -xp fromUserPassword
# sending html content file:
# (be sure your file begins with <html> tag):
$> cat document.html | sendEmail -f fromUser@gmail.com \
-t toUser@gmail.com \
-u "This is the subject" \
-m "This is a short body" \
-s smtp.gmail.com:587 \
-o tls=yes -xu fromUser@gmail.com -xp fromUserPassword
This command let you send email message from linux command line using a gmail account and gmail smtp server. Here I describe the install process Ubuntu's way (apt-get).
This is very useful for sending email messages using cron automation (be careful with number of messages to be sent. Gmail has limits for each case. Read about it at " https://support.google.com/a/answer/166852?hl=en".
Hope it helps.
This is very useful for sending email messages using cron automation (be careful with number of messages to be sent. Gmail has limits for each case. Read about it at " https://support.google.com/a/answer/166852?hl=en".
Hope it helps.
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