Windows batch - backup event logs

REM Export logs from the three main event log sources. To be executed in the scheduled task set BACKUP_PATH=D:\bin\EventLog Backup\LOGS for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=/ " %%a in ("%date%") do set jour=%%a&set mois=%%b&set annee=%%c set dateFichier=%annee%-%mois%-%jour% for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=: " %%a in ("%time%") do set heure=%%a&set minute=%%b&set secondesmillisecondes=%%c set heureFichier=%heure%-%minute%-%secondesmillisecondes% wevtutil epl System "%BACKUP_PATH%\Systeme\systeme_%dateFichier%_%heureFichier%.evtx" wevtutil epl Application "%BACKUP_PATH%\Application\application_%dateFichier%_%heureFichier%.evtx" wevtutil epl Security "%BACKUP_PATH%\Securite\security_%dateFichier%_%heureFichier%.evtx"
Export logs from the three main event log sources. To be executed in the scheduled task

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