Woo Discount Rules v2 - Implement attribute based bxgy discount

add_filter( 'advanced_woo_discount_rules_category_taxonomies', function($taxonomy){ // Note: For attributes the taxonomy will be start with prefix pa_ // Example: For attribute Color the taxonomy will be pa_color $taxonomy[] = 'pa_color'; return $taxonomy; }, 10); add_filter('advanced_woo_discount_rules_get_product_categories', function ($categories, $product, $variant){ if(!empty($variant)){ $parant_product = $product; $product = $variant; } $attr_ids = array(); if(class_exists('\Wdr\App\Helpers\Woocommerce')){ $attrs = \Wdr\App\Helpers\Woocommerce::getProductAttributes($product); if (\Wdr\App\Helpers\Woocommerce::productTypeIs($product, 'variation')) { if (count(array_filter($attrs)) < count($attrs)) { if (isset($variant['variation'])) { $attrs = array(); foreach ($variant['variation'] as $attribute_name => $value) { $attrs[str_replace('attribute_', '', $attribute_name)] = $value; } } } foreach ($attrs as $taxonomy => $value) { if ($value) { $taxonomy = apply_filters('advanced_woo_discount_rules_attribute_slug', urldecode($taxonomy), $taxonomy, $value); $term_obj = get_term_by('slug', $value, $taxonomy); if (!is_wp_error($term_obj) && $term_obj && $term_obj->name) { $attr_ids = array_merge($attr_ids, (array)($term_obj->term_id)); } } } } else { foreach ($attrs as $attr) { $attr_ids = array_merge($attr_ids, \Wdr\App\Helpers\Woocommerce::getAttributeOption($attr)); } } } $categories = (!empty($attr_ids)) ? array_unique($attr_ids) : $categories; return $categories; }, 10, 3);
Woo Discount Rules v2 - Implement attribute based bxgy discount

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