Woocommerce - Get subcats of the current category

<?php /* * function.php */ function woocommerce_subcats_from_parentcat_by_ID($parent_cat_ID) { $args = array( 'hierarchical' => 1, 'show_option_none' => '', 'hide_empty' => 0, 'parent' => $parent_cat_ID, 'taxonomy' => 'product_cat' ); $subcats = get_categories($args); echo '<ul class="wooc_sclist">'; $cant = count($subcats); $i = 1; foreach ($subcats as $sc) { $link = get_term_link( $sc->slug, $sc->taxonomy ); echo '<li><a href="'. $link .'">'.$sc->name.'</a></li>'; $i++; } echo '</ul>'; } ?> <?php /* * Template: wherever you wish to use */ $cate = get_queried_object(); $cat = $cate->term_id; woocommerce_subcats_from_parentcat_by_ID($cat); ?>

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