Wordpress Rights

If we check ownership of site1, we will find something like this, ls -ld /var/www/site1/ drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 24 21:06 site1/ This means that the directory is owned by user root, group root. While user root has write permission (plus read and execute permissions) to the directory, group root has only read and execute permissions. We will want to change the group ownership to another (new) group and add user1 to that particular group. We will give write permission to that particular group as well. Create a new group, sudo addgroup site1 Add user1 to the newly created group, sudo adduser user1 site1 Check that user1 is really in that group, groups user1 The output should be a list something like, user1 : <other-groups> site1 Now we can change the group ownership of your intended directory. sudo chown -vR :site1 /var/www/site1/ changed ownership of `/var/www/site1/' from root:root to :site1 Grant write permission to this new group owner, sudo chmod -vR g+w /var/www/site1/ mode of `/var/www/site1/' changed from 0755 (rwxr-xr-x) to 0775 (rwxrwxr-x) Check that all the changes are indeed there, ls -ld /var/www/site1/ drwxrwxr-x 2 root site1 4096 Oct 24 21:06 /var/www/site1/ So, the directory now is owned by user root, group site1. Both user root and group site1 have write permission (plus read and execute permissions) to the directory. Any user belonging to group site1 will enjoy all the privileges granted to that group. Now login as user1, move to site1 directory and try to create a file in that directory, echo "My User1 Site" > index.html bash: index.html: Permission denied This failed since most likely the primary group of user1 is not site1. So, change to that group. newgrp - site1

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