#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cstdlib> #include <time.h> //Both of these are needed for Code::Blocks to use rand #include <stdlib.h> //Both of these are needed for Code::Blocks to use rand #include <chrono> #include <random> #include <conio.h> #define HEIGHT 12 #define WIDTH 10 #define TRAPS 15 #define ENEMIES 5 /* Name: zntr date: 16.03.17 programm: dungeoncrawler 1 */ using namespace std; void createTraps(); void createEnemies(); // Create POS for Enemies and Traps once void placePlayer(); // place Player based on User Input void placeTraps(); // place Traps on Board void placeEnemies(); // place Enemies on Board void placeGoal(); // place Goal on Board void fillBoard(); // Fill Board with ENV and Player void drawBoard(); // Draw Board bool gameWon(); // Check if Player reached end bool gameOver(); // Check if Player still exists bool gamewon = false; bool gameover = false; int i, j = 0; char turn = '0'; const char player = 'P'; const char trap = '*'; const char enemy = 'E'; const char goal = '_'; const char boarddot = '.'; // initialize board array char board[HEIGHT][WIDTH] = {0}; //Player Start-POS int rowPos = 0; int colPos = 0; //initialize Environment POS Array int trapPOS[TRAPS][2]; //Trap location array int enemyPOS[ENEMIES][2]; //Enemy location array int main(){ // create boards first, so we can create Traps, Enemies (dependend on '.') for (i = 0; i < HEIGHT; i++){ for (j = 0; j < WIDTH; j++){ board[i][j] = boarddot; } } createTraps(); createEnemies(); fillBoard(); do{ drawBoard(); cout << "\t\t >> "; cin >> turn; switch(turn){ case 'W': case 'w': if(rowPos > 0){ rowPos = rowPos - 1; fillBoard(); drawBoard(); gameWon(); if(!gamewon){ gameOver(); } } else{ drawBoard(); cout << "This does not work!" << endl; } break; case 'A': case 'a': if(colPos > 0){ colPos = colPos - 1; fillBoard(); drawBoard(); gameWon(); if(!gamewon){ gameOver(); } } else{ drawBoard(); cout << "This does not work!" << endl; } break; case 'S': case 's': if(rowPos < HEIGHT-1){ rowPos = rowPos + 1; fillBoard(); drawBoard(); gameWon(); if(!gamewon){ gameOver(); } } else{ drawBoard(); cout << "This does not work!" << endl; } break; case 'D': case 'd': if(colPos < WIDTH-1){ colPos = colPos + 1; fillBoard(); drawBoard(); gameWon(); if(!gamewon){ gameOver(); } } else{ drawBoard(); cout << "This does not work!" << endl; } break; default: drawBoard(); cout << "Please use W, A, S, D to move your Player!"; break; } } while(!gameover && !gamewon ); return 0; } // Fill board with dots and then overwrite with Env and Player void fillBoard(){ for (i = 0; i < HEIGHT; i++){ for (j = 0; j < WIDTH; j++){ board[i][j] = boarddot; } } placePlayer(); placeTraps(); placeEnemies(); board[HEIGHT-1][WIDTH-1] = goal; } // draw current board void drawBoard(){ system("cls"); cout << "\t\t\tDNGNCRWL 1-\n\t\t\t(W, A, S, D)\n\n"; for (i = 0; i < HEIGHT; i++){ cout << "\t\t\t"; for (j = 0; j < WIDTH; j++){ cout << board[i][j]; } cout << endl; } } // create trap-positions void createTraps(){ auto seed = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count(); mt19937 mt(seed); uniform_int_distribution<int>distCols(0,WIDTH-1); uniform_int_distribution<int>distRows(1,HEIGHT-1); // Create POS for Traps for (i = 0; i <= TRAPS; i++){ trapPOS[i][0] = distRows(mt); trapPOS[i][1] = distCols(mt); // Check if Coords were used for traps already so we dont place 2 Traps on one POS for (j = 0; j <= TRAPS; j++){ while(trapPOS[i][0] == trapPOS[j][0] && trapPOS[i][1] == trapPOS[j][1] && i != j){ trapPOS[i][0] = distRows(mt); trapPOS[i][1] = distCols(mt); } } // Check if POS is empty on that place, else rerun current loop if(board[trapPOS[i][0]][trapPOS[i][1]] != boarddot){ i--; } } } // create enemy-positions void createEnemies(){ // change seed so enemies do not overwrite Traps auto seed = ((chrono::high_resolution_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count())/3)*4; mt19937 mt(seed); uniform_int_distribution<int>distCols(0,WIDTH-1); uniform_int_distribution<int>distRows(2,HEIGHT-1); // Create Y/X POS for enemies for (i = 0; i <= ENEMIES; i++){ enemyPOS[i][0] = distRows(mt); enemyPOS[i][1] = distCols(mt); // Check if Coords were used for traps already so we don't place 2 Enemies on one POS for (j = 0; j <= ENEMIES; j++){ while(enemyPOS[i][0] == enemyPOS[j][0] && enemyPOS[i][1] == enemyPOS[j][1] && i != j){ enemyPOS[i][0] = distRows(mt); enemyPOS[i][1] = distCols(mt); } } // Check if Coords are empty on that place, if not loop again if(board[enemyPOS[i][0]][enemyPOS[i][1]] != '.'){ i--; } } } // place player on board void placePlayer(){ board[rowPos][colPos] = player; } // place traps on board void placeTraps(){ for (i = 0; i < TRAPS; i++){ board[trapPOS[i][0]][trapPOS[i][1]] = trap; } } // currently only places enemies on board void placeEnemies(){ for (i = 0; i < ENEMIES; i++){ board[enemyPOS[i][0]][enemyPOS[i][1]] = enemy; } } // Check if Player lost! I know, bool is not necessary bool gameWon(){ if(board[HEIGHT-1][WIDTH-1] == board[rowPos][colPos]){ gamewon = true; cout << "\n\t\t\tYou won!\n"; getch(); } } // Check if Player lost! I know, bool is not necessary bool gameOver(){ if(board[rowPos][colPos] != player){ gameover = true; cout << "\n\t\t\tYou lost!\n"; getch(); } }
my first dungeoncrawler program.

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