#Using List Comprehensions on Files >>> [line.upper() for line in open('')] ['IMPORT SYS\n', 'PRINT(SYS.PATH)\n', 'X = 2\n', 'PRINT(X ** 32)\n'] >>> [line.rstrip().upper() for line in open('')] ['IMPORT SYS', 'PRINT(SYS.PATH)', 'X = 2', 'PRINT(X ** 32)'] >>> [line.split() for line in open('')] [['import', 'sys'], ['print(sys.path)'], ['x', '=', '2'], ['print(x', '**', '32)']] >>> [line.replace(' ', '!') for line in open('')] ['import!sys\n', 'print(sys.path)\n', 'x!=!2\n', 'print(x!**!32)\n'] >>> [('sys' in line, line[:5]) for line in open('')] [(True, 'impor'), (True, 'print'), (False, 'x = 2'), (False, 'print')]
Besides their efficiency, list comprehensions are also remarkably expressive. In our example, we can run any string operation on a file’s lines as we iterate. To illustrate, here’s the list comprehension equivalent to the file iterator uppercase example we met earlier, along with a few other representative operations

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