
var MuxDemux = require('mux-demux'); var net = require('net'); var Model = require('scuttlebutt/model'); var aModel = new Model var aModelStream = aModel.createStream() var bModel = new Model var bModelStream = bModel.createStream() // Server var server = new net.createServer(function (stream) { var mx = new MuxDemux mx.pipe(stream).pipe(mx) var channel1 = mx.createStream('channel1') var channel2 = mx.createStream('channel2') aModelStream.pipe(channel1) bModelStream.pipe(channel2) mx.on('connection', function(stream) { if (stream.meta === 'channel1') { stream.pipe(aModelStream) } else if (stream.meta === 'channel2') { stream.pipe(bModelStream) } }) }).listen(8000) aModel.on('update', function(data) { console.log('A updated with: ' + JSON.stringify(data)) }) bModel.on('update', function(data) { console.log('B updated with: ' + JSON.stringify(data)) }) // Client var cModel = new Model var cModelStream = cModel.createStream() var dModel = new Model var dModelStream = dModel.createStream() server.on('listening', function() { var stream = net.connect(8000, function() { var mx = new MuxDemux mx.pipe(stream).pipe(mx) var channel1 = mx.createWriteStream('channel1') var channel2 = mx.createWriteStream('channel2') cModelStream.pipe(channel1) dModelStream.pipe(channel2) mx.on('connection', function(stream) { if (stream.meta === 'channel1') { stream.pipe(cModelStream) } else if (stream.meta === 'channel2') { stream.pipe(dModelStream) } }) }) }) cModel.on('update', function(data) { console.log('C updated with: ' + JSON.stringify(data)) }) dModel.on('update', function(data) { console.log('D updated with: ' + JSON.stringify(data)) }) setTimeout(function() { aModel.set('bob', {a: 'valuea'}) }, 1000) setTimeout(function() { bModel.set('bob', {b: 'valueb'}) }, 2000) setTimeout(function() { cModel.set('bob', {c: 'valuec'}) }, 3000) setTimeout(function() { dModel.set('bob', {d: 'valued'}) }, 4000)
My naive attempt at multiplexing/demultiplexing Scuttlebutt Model streams.

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