js - check if given value contains one string value (needs lodash)

// https://lodash.com/ // var _ = require('lodash'); function checkIfContains(check, value){ if(_.isUndefined(check) || _.isNull(check)){ return false; } if(_.isObject(check)){ var flag = false; Object.keys(check).forEach(function(key){ if(checkIfContains(check[key], value)){ flag = true; } }); return flag; } if(_.isNumber(check)){ check = String(check); } else if(_.isString(check)){ check = check.toLowerCase(); } return _.includes(check, value); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// console.log(checkIfContains('aloha', 'al')); // true console.log(checkIfContains('aloha', 'test')); // false console.log(checkIfContains(123456, '12')); // true console.log(checkIfContains(123456, '78')); // false console.log(checkIfContains({att1: 'aloha', att2: 'ula ula'}, 'ula')); // true console.log(checkIfContains({att1: 'aloha', att2: 'ula ula'}, 'test')); // false

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