class TrieNode {
TrieNode() : terminate(false), children(26, nullptr){}
for (TrieNode * child : children){
if (child) delete child; // deconstructor
bool terminate;
vector<TrieNode*> children;
class Trie {
/** Initialize your data structure here. */
Trie() {
root = new TrieNode(); // initialize a root node
/** Inserts a word into the trie. */
void insert(const string & word) {
TrieNode * ptr = root;
for (char c: word){
// iterate char by char. a child is determined by its position.
size_t pos = c - 'a';
// if this char has not been seen before in this position initiaze a new pos
if (ptr->children[pos] == nullptr)
ptr->children[pos] = new TrieNode();
ptr = ptr->children[pos];
// now at the end...
ptr->terminate = true;
/** Returns if the word is in the trie. */
bool search(const string & word) {
TrieNode * ptr = root;
for (char c: word){
size_t pos = c - 'a';
if (ptr->children[pos] == nullptr)
return false;
ptr = ptr->children[pos];
return ptr->terminate;
/** Returns if there is any word in the trie that starts with the given prefix. */
bool startsWith(string prefix) {
TrieNode * ptr = root;
for (char c: prefix){
size_t pos = c - 'a';
if (ptr->children[pos] == nullptr) return false
ptr = ptr->children[pos];
return true;
TrieNode * root;
* Your Trie object will be instantiated and called as such:
* Trie obj = new Trie();
* obj.insert(word);
* bool param_2 =;
* bool param_3 = obj.startsWith(prefix);
Implement a trie with insert, search, and startsWith methods.
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